We have had it amply demonstrated that the Prime Minister isn't the bravest person in the world when it comes to the dirty A word. His way out is to ignore the body count when it comes to dealing with an inconvenience like an unwanted pre-born child. (This from the one with the moral courage to stay away from the Olympic Games to make a statement when it comes to human rights.) A couple of little suggestions for him to ponder.
The issue won't go away. It won't. Might as well face up to the bitter truth. We know, in the silence of our hearts, that abortion is wrong. That's why we have the exhortation "Don't tell my mother that I'm an abortionist. She thinks I'm a piano player in a whorehouse." Might as well face up to the fact that ignoring the issue won't go away for another reason. As the late and great Charlton Heston stated, "Neutrality always helps the aggressor, never the victim."
One more reason. Those of us who maintain that killing is wrong - those of us who are squeamish when it comes to snuffing out the life of an innocent little baby -are in it for the long haul. Furthermore, we vote.
Speaking of voting, we have giggled at the Christian Heritage Party for years. Guess what, it has never wavered on the issue. Maybe the CHP is not the simpering pack of Bible thumpers we thought it was. What have we got to lose?
Changing one's vote isn't easy. Makes me think of something I heard from Ron Gray, the Leader of the CHP. (I'm paraphrasing) When the last ones in the group turn around and change direction, they become the leaders of the pack. How about it you pro life prisoners of the other parties? Want to be a leader? Turn around.
just visited your blog. like the content.
It would help if the CHP had candidates in every riding...
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