Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Canadians went to bed last night with a shocking discovery hanging over them. The enterprising media in Quebec have exposed the entry into the election field of a PC candidate who is - I can hardly bring myself to write it - a member of Opus Dei. What next?
It's always a good idea to put one's brain into gear before letting one's tongue or pen loose. Do these people - including the Bloc Quebecois leader, Gilles Duceppe - know anything about Opus Dei - beyond the fact that it's Catholic and opposes abortion, contraception and same sex "marriage"? The esteemed leader is quoted as having serious concerns wth the threat of social conservatives entering the fray, citing the candidacy of Nicole Charbonneau Barron as evidence that the PC party is composed of right wing idealogues who would take away a woman' s right to choose. Does this translate into "No Catholic need apply to enter the Public Square"? Or are we going to be more democratic and ban anyone who defends all human life and opposes same sex get togethers?
One question. Is there going to be a roll call of candidates who are Freemasons?

1 comment:

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

I have a question: who cares? It's not my business what a grown man or woman believes. We will never truly know what any of the major parties believes as their opinions change with the political wind (Bill C-484, for example). Furthermore, Deceppe belongs to a party that wishes to split the country. Why doesn't someone call him on that!