Monday, December 1, 2008

God help America

President-elect Obama has made it clear that it will be his policy and his policy alone. Sure, he'll talk about policy but the decisions will be his.

He has also stated that he will appoint pro-abortion judges and pro-abortion judges only. We already know what he plans for children in-utero - right up to the brutal end. No surprise since he has stated that he wouldn't want to punish his daughters with a baby if they made a mistake.

His proposed Cabinet makes one groan. Hillary comes to mind. I personally have trouble mustering confidence in a Secretary of State who can't tell the difference between an airstrip and a battleground.


Anonymous said...

He's totally devoid of any morals.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

You are not the only who has said this.
The old adage of absolute power....